Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In her book titled “The Shaping of a Christian Family” – which is a biography of her  childhood,  Elizabeth Elliott writes:

“There is no nobler career than that of motherhood at its best.  There are no possibilities greater, and in no other sphere does failure bring more serious penalties.  With what diligence then should she prepare herself for such a task?  If the mechanic who is to work with “things” must study at technical school, if the doctor into whose skilled hands will be entrusted human lives, must go through medical school…how much more should the mother who is fashioning the souls of the men and women of tomorrow, learn at the the highest of all schools and from the Master-Sculptor Himself, God.  To attempt this task, unprepared and untrained is tragic and its results affect generations to come.  On the other hand there is no higher height to which humanity can attain than that occupied by a converted, heaven-inspired, praying mother.”

“The process of shaping the child, shapes also the mother herself.  Reverence for her sacred burden calls her to all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her own humble, daily example.”

“All mothers are a quiet servant of necessity, doing the work no one would notice or thank her for – no one, that is, except Him to whom it could be offered as a daily sacrifice of love. “

Sweet mamas – the work you do is SO valuable in God’s eyes.  Continue in your unseen duties and know that God sees you and is pleased with your daily sacrifice of love.  Keep.on.going!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy independence day

Westminster woods camping for the 4th of July.....well we have been so blessed to be able to park at such beautiful camp sites so far and this is a wonderful piece of Gods handiwork. The pond is so clear and paddle boating was such fun with our brother and sister-in-law, not much of a race since we had a handicapped boat, a broken paddle...sitting on the sandy beach reminiscing about past camping trips on past 4th of Julys with both my sister-in-laws and my niece.  So peaceful and relaxing.